Meet Sphinx in Cairo, Egypt. 會一會令人驚嘆的人面獅身像 Watch a live show of Discovery in Kenya. 現場收看Discovery頻道 Suitable for foodies! 適合吃貨的台灣 Dancing in the sunlight. 在熱情的夏威夷海灘跳舞 ”Nothing more excellent or valuable than wine was every granted by gods to man.”(Plato) 到靴子國品嚐道地美酒 Take a walk along the river with a bunch of tulip. 帶上一束鬱金香在河邊散步 Spend a day in such a great prairie. 體驗塞外風情 Exploring the world of coral reefs in Palau. 悠游在帛琉海底